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The Flyest style is what raises us to do the impossible to elevate the culture. We believe that through our name brand we have the power to uplift the people. The first universal "Fly" brand created out of a sketch book by a kid from Ohio in the early 90's. 

Flyest is more than just fashion but a lifestyle brand that exceeds above and beyond reality without forgetting our core roots. The Flyest took off at the beginning of the new millennium by introducing a new innovative New York trademark called "FLYEST NY" that took New York by storm. 

The caps was worn by many of New York's most popular artists and entertainers. Never following trends of the fashion world, we independently created their own of "World Flyest".

Flyest takes pride in combining great designs with superb manufacturing. This is how we ensure top quality for a unique product that's unattainable by counterfeiters.